9 Dog-Like Cat Breeds: The Perfect Pets for Dog Lovers

Earlier this year we decided to allow our son to get a kitten to add to our pack of dogs.

As a dedicated dog owner, trainer, and competitor in dog events, I was wanting to get a cat that had a dog-like personality and would fit nicely in with our 4 Papillons and Border Collie.

Cat’s are normally independent, mildly affectionate, low maintenance creatures compared to dogs. I was pleasantly surprised to find that there were many cat breeds that suited our needs, however, our 20-year-old son had his own ideas.

 After searching for just the right rescue kitten for months, he came home with the perfect fit for our home, the universe must have heard my prayers. We couldn't be happier with Minky as she fits all our requirements. She is clearly a mixed breed but with many dog-like traits. Minky has lots of confidence, she likes to play in the water, is extremely friendly with people and other pets, is easily taught tricks, is comfortable in her harness and leash and she’s extremely active.

So this began my journey looking more closely at all dog-like cats or as Wikipedia calls them, puppy cat breeds. The following are some of the puppy cat breeds that I discovered.


1. Ragdoll’s


The Ragdoll cat breed got its start in California during the 1960s. It is quite possible that some of the cats that formed the foundation for the Ragdoll breed were Persians, Burmese, and Birmans. The Persian and Burmese are noted for being quite laid back personalities and going limp and relaxed when picked up, hence the name “Ragdoll”.

This breed looks for companionship rather than getting into mischief. Ragdolls get along with everyone in the home including other pets.

These gorgeous cats love to follow their owners around the house and hang out with them or just snuggle. They are easygoing and love water and many will follow you into the shower. Ragdolls love to please their owners and can be easily trained with positive reinforcement.


2. Sphynx

One of the most unique-looking cats, this hairless cat may have peach-fuzz type hair on close inspection and their skin feels like soft leather. The Sphynx originated in Toronto, Canada in 1966 with one hairless kitten. . After a long rocky road to create diversity in the breed, they finally used the Devon Rex to outcross.


They are extremely energetic, loving, and loyal to their family.

This intelligent breed loves to greet you at the door and due to their high curiosity, they will also greet strangers. Sphynx can be found snuggling under the blankets with her favorite human.


3. Maine Coon

As you might have guessed, the Maine Coon originated in Maine, the USA in the 1850s and is the oldest natural cat breed in the United States.

This loyal, intelligent, family-orientated gentle giant gets along with other pets, is affectionate without being needy, and is a great addition to homes with young children.

It is said that their loyalty tends to make them standoffish towards strangers however they adapt easily.

The Maine Coon is well known for its larger size, thick luxurious coat and extremely friendly personality sets them apart from other breeds.


4. Abyssinian

 Genetic testing has shown that this breed resembles the felines featured on the ancient Egyptian tombs and statues for a reason. Abbysinian’s are one of the oldest cat breeds in existence stemming from Southeast Asia.

Today’s Abysinian’s genetics contain the Burmese, Russian Blue, and Siamese to obtain some of their dog-like personality.

This curious, loyal, extremely energetic, and engaging breed requires a lot of attention to keep them out of trouble and happy. If left alone for too long they can become depressed.

The ”Aby”, as many owners lovingly call them, are eager to engage in tricks for treats, walks on a leash, playing in the water as well as a game of fetch. Their extreme intelligence has also led owners to clicker train them for agility. If you love being engaged with your dogs, then this is the dog-like cat breed for you.


5. Burmese


 Another unique cat-like the Abbysininian, the Burmese is also very loyal and highly intelligent.

The Burmese first came to America in 1930 from Burma and were bred with a Siamese. Like the Siamese, the Burmese tend to be very vocal cats and won’t hold back when they think they should have a treat.

A very loyal companion they love to follow you around which would make them easy to train for leash walking and have also been known to play fetch.


6. Bengal

This exotic-looking breed originated as a cross between an Asian Leopard cat and a domesticated cat. Bengals are a fairly young breed stemming back to the 1970s. Since then their popularity has skyrocketed putting them amongst the most popular cat breeds.

Bengals are high energy and extremely intelligent with many dog-like qualities.


One of these unique qualities of the breed is that they love water and won’t hesitate to follow you into the shower.

Bengals have the energy and intelligence to keep you on your toes.

If you don’t keep them stimulated they will get into all kinds of trouble, and closed doors won’t stop them. This is an area our cat is really good at. If she wants outside she has no problem opening our door with a lever-type door handle.

Keeping them stimulated can be a challenge, and if they get bored they are known to get into trouble. Since they get along well with other cats and dogs, having a companion for them can be helpful but many seem to prefer a dog companion.

This breed has a strong personality and along with their high energy and intelligence can be a challenge for first-time cat owners.


7. Birman


This calm and quieter breed is also known as the Sacred Cat of Burma and ancient stories say they have divine powers.

There are many theories on how this breed came about but some say they potentially are a mix of the Siamese and Angoras or Persians.

The French recognized the Birman in 1925 and imported it to the United States in 1959.


The Birman is an easy-going and gentle-natured breed that makes a good choice for young families and is tolerant to play dress-up with the kids. Like many of the dog-like cat breeds, the Birman loves to follow their owners around the house like puppies, do very well with multiple pet homes and respond well to commands.

A wonderful addition to any dog lover's home.


8. Siamese

Siamese cats are one of the oldest domesticated cats in the world! 

The breed originated in Thailand in the 14th century and made an appearance in the US in 1879.

Their gorgeous blue eyes are one of their distinguishing traits, however, this trait also inhibits them from seeing well in the dark. 

Interestingly, their coat color is determined by temperature. Born white, their coats take on their color as they grow. The extremities of their body become darker with age and if they live in a cold climate the entire body will become dark as well. 

If you are looking for a dog-like cat the Siamese is one of the originals lending these specific genes to the Burman, the Burmese, and possibly some other breeds as well.

The very social and active Siamese is a perfect match for families with children and cat-friendly dogs. This vocal breed loves to play fetch and retrieve, learn tricks like high-five and some even walk on a leash.


9. Turkish Angora

This natural breed takes its name from the city of Ankara in Turkey, which was formerly known as Angora.

After becoming quite scarce, the Angara Zoo developed a breeding program to increase their numbers. It was after this that the Angoras arrived in the United States in 1954.

These delightful, gorgeous cats are known for their long slender, fine-boned build that gives them the grace of a ballerina.

The Turkish Angora is an intelligent, inquisitive, and affectionate companion. They are outgoing, strong-willed, and want to be at the very center of their owners' world, very much like a dog. Look out if you are not giving them the attention they need, as they will get into all kinds of mischief just to get your attention. These kitten-like qualities remain with them for many years.

The Turkish Angora loves to be in a home with other pets but prefers to rule the roost due to their strong-willed nature.


In Conclusion

I am sure there are more dog-like cat breeds out there, but I had to stop looking as now I have fallen in love with all of them.

At the moment the universe has placed a 9-week old foster kitten in my life and she is keeping all of us busy.

Fostering and adopting is very rewarding, however, if you are looking for a specific breed it is important to research the breed to see if it is the right fit for you and your home. A good breeder will interview you and you can use this opportunity to interview the breeder as well.




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