Positive Energy's Positive Force: Kramer's Journey with Reiki and Tellington Touch

Did you know the phrase "be careful of what you wish for as you might get it" or "the power of prayer"?

Our thoughts are energy that has power to shape how things turn out. This energy can affect your pets as they are very sensitive to our thoughts.

How many of you just have to think the word "walk" and your dog is running to get the leash?

I can't even think it is time to bathe Nate and he runs and hides before I even get the grooming stuff out.

Masaru Emoto discovered that if thoughts and words are directed at water, the water crystals undergo changes depending upon whether the words or thoughts are positive or negative. Experiment video

Kramer, an 11-year-old Boston Terrier, was diagnosed with cancer on his front leg this past summer.

Upon testing it was learned that it had spread to his lungs and throughout his body.

Kramer had his leg amputated as his owner felt he wasn't ready to "go" yet as he had more birds and squirrels to chase with his sister, Rayne.



Kramer a week after amputation

The reason I want to share Kramer's journey isn't that we can save him or because my protocols have been a miracle, but it is because his owner never thought a negative thought regarding his diagnosis. "Well if Kramer has the will to live then who am I to stop that?"

His owner is a Reiki and Tellington Touch practitioner with a naturally calm demeanor, and positive energy force. This positive energy radiating from her has had such a positive effect on Kramer that he is running through the bush and jumping fallen logs a week after surgery. Kramers's vet is even surprised at how fast he has recovered, adjusted to having 3 legs, and his strong independence and will to live.

We all want the best life possible for our pets and to have the best quality of life right up to the end and this is what Kramer's owners' was thinking about when she finally made the decision to remove the leg as the cancer was eating away at it pretty fast.

I have used Tellington Touch with guidance from Kramers owner, on a rescue dog I had many years ago, and found it truly helped her issues. I reached out to her and asked if she would share a bit of information on Reiki and Tellington Touch also known as TTouch so I may share it with you.


Kramer relaxing after chasing a Prairie Chicken

What is Reiki

"The term "Reiki" is usually translated as "universal life energy." It is a holistic healing system, meaning that it treats the whole being, addressing problems and healing at all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Along with other therapies, such as acupuncture, homeopathy, Qi Gong and flower essence therapy, Reiki is part of the emerging field of energetic healing, rediscovered from the wisdom and knowledge of ancient cultures for use in modern times. Everything in the universe is made up of and connected by energy. By transmitting the heating energy of the universe along energetic pathways and through the practitioner's hands to the client, Reiki heals as deeply as needed within a being to create a shift toward health."


 ***taken from the book "Animal Reiki" by Elizabeth Fulton and Kathleen Prasad. Pages 3

 What is Tellington Touch

"Tellington Ttouch training for dogs is a gentle, respectful method of training honoring the body, mind and spirit of animals and their people. It enhances learning, behavior, performance, and health, and develops a trusting relationship between dogs and their people.

The intent of the Ttouch is to activate the function of the cells and awaken cellular intelligence - a little like "turning on the electric lights of the body." Ttouch is done on the entire body, and each circular Ttouch is complete within itself."


***Taken from the Ttouch.ca website and the book "Getting in Ttouch With Your Dog."

The perfect state of physical healing is the physical manifestation of billions of these molecules throughout our body. All the molecules in our body are directly effected by the words, sounds and thoughts they are exposed to.

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