Is Fibrosarcoma A Death Sentence For Your Dog?

Kayleigh’s journey from a diagnosis of cancer, to a healthy vibrant senior.

Cancer is an epidemic in dogs, just over 50% of dogs will get cancer!!

How I Met Kayleigh


Kayleigh is a well-loved, Canadian Kennel Club registered Cocker Spaniel, born on December 1, 2011 to a local breeder. The reason I am mentioning this is that  “good” breeders do the best they can with the knowledge they have NOT to breed dogs with genetic health problems. 

Prior to Kayleigh's cancer diagnosis Shirley had some concerns over Kayleigh's health and asked a friend what her thoughts were.  It is important to note that this "friend" is well versed in assessing dogs after many years of being a registered dog breeder, a competitor in the CKC dog shows, and currently owns her own pet store.  Her response was to "take Kayleigh home and love and enjoy the time you have with her".  Shirley was distraught but also knew that something wasn't right.  

Once Kayleigh was diagnosed with cancer, her owner had remembered a story of a friend's dog doing really well after a cancer diagnosis by adding in some fresh food to the diet. This memory gave Shirley some hope which started her search for some guidance on diet changes. Through word of mouth, we became connected and I was thrilled to give Shirley the tools to help Kayleigh.


Fibrosarcoma Diagnosis

When I met Kayleigh in March of 2021, she was recovering from a surgical procedure to have the lump removed from her leg. The diagnosis was Intermediate Fibrosarcoma, cancer.

Removing the tumor does not treat the cancer, nor does it get to the root of the problem. If the root of the problem is not addressed, then it is likely the cancer will manifest.


Veterinarian Suggested Treatment Options

Kayleigh’s follow-up vet appointment suggested treatment was to either remove the leg or Metronomic Therapy. Kayleigh’s owners were in agreement that neither of these options felt right to them.

Her owner, Shirley, couldn’t understand why Kayleigh got cancer as it seemed to just come “out of the blue” so she went on a quest to find out what happened.


What Caused the Cancer?

We don’t know for sure what caused her cancer, but we do know that certain things can contribute to the growth of cancer cells. It is thought that cancer, in general, is the result of many contributing factors that cause genetic injury to cells. Examples of such factors are exposure to chemicals (ie: insect repellants, lawn chemicals, pesticides) or radiation (carcinogens), infection, hormonal changes (spay or neuter), and, more often seen in cats, certain vaccinations. With cancer, the injured or mutated cells begin to multiply at an accelerated rate. The overgrowth of cells is what results in tumors.

The food you feed your dog can also be a contributing factor. Dog food companies are allowed to use ingredients that have known to contain carcinogens. To read more on this or the chemicals that can lead to cancer,  click link here.


Did the Cancer come “Out of the Blue”?

Kayleigh’s owner followed everything her vet told her to do. She received all her vaccinations according to schedule and received yearly boosters. Kayleigh also received Lyme and Kennel cough vaccines, yearly heartworm and tick/flea prevention before spending the summers at the lake or the winters in Palm Springs and was fed the vets recommended kibble.

While I was reviewing several years of her past vet records, I happened to notice a pattern with some minor health issues. Keep in mind, when minor symptoms become constant, it is a warning sign that something isn’t right.

For several years the family would travel to Palm Springs with Kayleigh and she would receive any needed vaccinations and flea and tick treatment. A few of these trips to Palm Springs, she would have loose stools tainted with blood and some minor vomiting,  enough of a concern to warrant a vet visit. 

Kayleigh suffered from loose stool quite regularly most of her life that was tested several times, however, the tests always came back negative.  The veterinarians would suggest different foods and fiber for her stools, but nothing really resolved it until now. 

Kayleigh's Journey to Better Health

Kayleigh’s pet parents and I are extremely excited to announce that she just celebrated 1 year of being cancer-free as of February 2022!! Even the veterinarians are amazed that the cancer has not come back.  They had told Shirley that this type of cancer almost always comes back within the year.  

Her journey to these amazing results is her own, however, she could not have gotten there without Shirley’s determination and dedication to her well-being.

Her journey to better health started with 2 weeks of laser therapy, a unique deep cleanse diet for 2 weeks, which was challenging, but with my daily support and guidance, Shirley and Kayleigh got through it.

We then put her on a species-appropriate raw diet along with Adored Beast supplements to detoxify her body followed by immune-supporting supplements and probiotics to rebuild the gut microbiome. Rebuilding the gut is very important as approximately 80% of your immune system comes from the gut. This protocol also solved her many years of loose bowels.

Today, Shirley continues to be amazed at the changes that have taken place in Kayleigh since the diet change has taken place.  Kayleigh is so much more energetic, aware of smells and scents of other animals, lives for her walks, and most everyone that sees her comments on the huge change that has taken place.  Mealtime has now become a big focus of Kayleigh's day whereas in the past she was never excited about kibble.  


 Last summer I received so many messages and phone calls from Shirley about all her lake friends remarking on how much “younger and alert” Kayleigh appeared.

Shirley states “that getting a cancer diagnosis for your dog is not an easy thing. But we have to say that we are thankful for the “wake-up call” because of the significant improvement in her overall health as a result of the diet changes.”

Your journey is your own. Follow your heart and do what feels right to you.

Do your research, seek other veterinarian opinions, seek someone that treats dogs holistically, and feel good about the decisions that are best suited for you and your pet. Put together a HEALTH TEAM that is willing to work together as our pet's bodies require support in many different ways.


Final Thoughts From Shirley

"Support is huge when your dog is diagnosed with cancer.  The first few weeks were not easy with dealing with the surgery and recovery but once I met with Donna and had a plan in place everything changed.  My faith is an important part of my life.  Seeing all the pieces come together as; my breeder, Donna (my dogs nutritionist), my friend who owned the pet store and my own personal Naturalpathic doctor, were all in agreement on my choice of action regarding Kayleigh was an affirmation that the Lord was directing my choices." 

One thing that Shirley stated over and over again, was “we got this”.   She never considers a different outcome for Kayleigh.

Your thoughts are a very powerful tool and your pets pick up on them. Don’t let them feel your sadness or worry.

Currently, Kayleigh has a new veterinarian, who is 100% on board with everything we are doing, a homeopathic doctor and myself. I am still part of the team with continued guidance and support.

I am very grateful to have met Shirley and Kayleigh and to be a part of their journey!  Kayleigh has taught us so very much and I too feel a greater power has connected us.


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