Morgan's Remarkable Recovery: A Welsh Terrier's Journey to Health with Head to Tail Canine Nutrition

Morgan is a 12-year-old well-bred Welsh Terrier who is loved dearly by her retired owner Lynne. Morgan loves people and going to the lake with her family. After nearly a decade of illness, she is finally enjoying playing ball again. This in itself warms my heart and brings so much joy to her family!!

Her transition over a 6 month period happened faster than I even expected. Lynne’s dedication, patience, perseverance, intuition, and willingness to trust me played a huge role in Morgan's recovery. Lynne never hesitated to reach out to me with questions or concerns as Morgan went through detoxification and diet change issues. We tweaked and played with many changes to find the right fit for Morgan.



Here is her story.....

Lynne reached out to me for help with Morgan during the fall of 2020. Morgan's quality of life hadn't been good for nearly 10 years due to severe skin issues, ear infections, lipomas, and allergy-type symptoms.

Morgan had what is referred to as elephant skin with a sparse coat. Her coat and skin were very dull and dry. Her itchy, smelly paws were a constant bother to her, as well as her chronic ear infections and runny eyes.

Lynne shared with me that her skin had dried blood-like residue on it all the time that would come off on the couch and her doggy jacket.

She was constantly cleaning the brownish residue off her leather couch and washing her winter jacket. Life was not happy for Morgan, and it was stressful for Lynne, who was very worried about Morgan's quality of life.

Lynne felt she had tried everything the vet had suggested with no improvement. In fact, she only was getting worse.

Morgan was on and off many medications during the past 10 years. Here is the list that was tried: Vanectyl-P, Atopica, Apoquel, Prednisone, Ketoconazole, Benadryl, and Cytopoint shots.

 Once I reviewed her health intake form, I put together a protocol of several steps using the Adored Beast product line along with a diet change and a topical treatment.

Each case is unique when it comes to putting together a protocol, so I won’t share the details here but just let you know that we had to make many adjustments along the way to keep Morgan’s healing crisis bearable for her.

Today, Morgan is doing fantastic, as you can see from these photos. She looks so much younger and happier since last fall. Her Mom reports that her energy is the best she has seen in years! She is enjoying playing ball again and going for walks.

 Lynne sent me this email follow-up, and I was so thrilled about Morgan's progress that I just had to share!


“Hi Donna

Morgan continues to have no flare-ups of skin issues. She is enjoying life like she has not done in a while. People who saw her last year cannot believe her skin, coat, and personality changes. She is a much happier dog. We are so grateful for all your advice and help. There were many days I was going to give up, but you kept encouraging me.

Thanks, Lynne and Morgan”


Her journey continues, but she has surpassed my expectations so far, and I felt her story would give others hope.

Huge congratulations to Lynne and her dedication to Morgan!!

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